Welcome to the Aln Angling Association

2025 Season News

Fishing restarted on Aln Angling Association waters as of Saturday 1st February 2025 (a permit is required before fishing). Welcome and tight lines to all anglers fishing the Aln this year!

Open Season dates (All dates are inclusive).

Salmon:                  1st February until 31st October
Migratory Trout:   3rd April until 31st October
Brown Trout:         22nd March until 30th September


Please be aware that the rules and regulations were revised for the 2024 season (no additional changes have been made for the 2025 season); copies of which will be given to you with your permit and we would ask you to familiarise yourself with these prior to fishing.



Committee Note: We are looking at conducting more bank work this year to make access to our stretch of river easier for anglers. This will be done in keeping with our commitment to re-wilding and ensuring suitable habitat for wildlife. A balance needs to be maintained between access for fishing and wildlife needs. Whilst the Aln will never have perfectly manicured banks it is the hope of the committee that this compromise to make access easier will boost both the enjoyment of fishing and the appreciation of nature.

About Us

The Association offers double bank fishing from Denwick Bridge (half a mile East of Alnwick) to the Duchess’s bridge (at Alnmouth) – approximately four and a half miles of fishing. There is a short exclusion zone which runs from Lesbury old road bridge down to Lesbury footbridge between which no access or fishing is allowed (see fishing map).

The Association is run by a team of dedicated and enthusiastic anglers driven by passion to ensure the Association can provide the very best angling experience. Whether you’re fishing for wild brown trout, salmon or sea trout the River Aln will cater to whatever suits your interest. We offer reasonably priced annual, monthly, weekly and day permits for those wishing to fish the river. Permits of all types are available to buy from the Hardy shop in Alnwick town centre.

The River Aln runs through the county of Northumberland in England and is famed for its unspoilt scenery. It rises in Alnham in the Cheviot Hills and discharges into the North Sea at Alnmouth on the east coast of England. The river gives its name to the town of Alnwick and the villages of Alnmouth and Alnham which it runs through.

Synonymous with the fishing brand Hardy (based in the town of Alnwick) the company’s history is intertwined with the river. The family lived close to its banks and regularly fished the river making it fundamental in the development of fly fishing as a sport. In the Associations early days William Hardy (one of the founding brothers) was Chairman. Other family members too have had an involvement in the running of the Association down the years also.

The Association stretch of river is kept wild and is not stocked. This means that some access is cut in but the majority of the river banks are left to grow without intervention. This is a far cry from other rivers which can resemble carefully manicured lawns! We believe this is in the long term interests of the fish and wildlife, adds to its natural beauty and creates a challenge for the angler.

We hope you spend many a productive and relaxing hour on our wonderful river. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on!

AAA Committee 

Rules in brief*

Above the footbridge at Lesbury, there is a restriction on rod type (single handed fly rod only), length (10 ½, foot) and a fly reel with fly line (no full sinking fly lines are allowed). Sink tip lines are permissible provided the sinking tip does not exceed 10 feet in length.

Below the footbridge at Lesbury the river is tidal where fly (same rules as above) and spinning are both allowed.  Please note, no bait fishing of any kind is allowed on any Association waters.

The river has recently been classified by the Environment Agency as a Recovering River and therefore ALL Salmon caught MUST be returned unharmed to the water.

*Full rules and regulations are displayed on the reverse of the permit.

Permits 2024



Senior /Con*

ANNUAL SALMON   (inc. Sea Trout and Brown Trout)






ANNUAL JUNIORS 12 -18 years old  (inc. Sea Trout and Brown Trout)



MONTHLY (Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout)



WEEKLY (Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout)



DAILY (Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout)



DAILY (Brown Trout Only)



DAILY JUNIORS 12 -18 years old (Brown Trout only)



*Cash or Cheque only

Under 12’s may fish the river for free as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

A current national rod licence is required.

Permits may be purchased from:
Hardy Store & Museum, 30 Bondgate Within, Alnwick, NE66 1TD
01665 510027

Permits are available (Mon – Sat, 9am – 5pm)



1.  From Alnwick turn down at the war memorial and just before Denwick Bridge there is a lay-by on your right, with ample parking.

Grid Ref: NU 19686 13651  What3Words: century.brass.pythons

2.  From Alnwick take the Alnmouth road. Just before the A1 bridge, turn left into new housing estate. Park at the cycle track car park and walk the lane down under the fly-over which will take you to the river. This is Peters Mill Bridge.

Grid Ref: NU 20267 13007  What3Words: unhappy.took.cocoons

3.  Continue Further along Alnmouth Road and you will come to Hawkhill Bridge.  There is parking in the lay-by on the left, just up the hill.

Grid Ref: NU 21545 12702  What3Words: towel.greed.hears

4.  At Lesbury there are various parking areas near the roundabout.

5.  In Lesbury village there is a car park just past the Post Office.  Park here then walk down the lane and fish below the footbridge.  This is a tidal stretch.

Grid Ref: NU 23677 11641   What3Words: again.harnessed.floating

6.  At Hipsburn turn at the roundabout, up the hill past the Railway Station look for a sign on the right to Greenrigg and Bilton Farm.  Turn here and follow the road down to the river where there is parking for 2 cars.

Grid Ref: NU 21685 11743   What3Words: indoors.crank.cape

Contact Us

By Mobile: 07376951145

Please use the contact form below if you have any queries